
Fashion Design College Degree – Online Or In-Class

January 30, 2025 by  
Filed under Fashion Design

In order to get into the fashion design industry, you need to have a degree from a fashion design college. What if you just don’t have the time to attend classes or you are not anywhere near a fashion design college? Today’s technology allows access to information from just about anyplace you need it. Online schools of higher education are becoming the norm rather than an offshoot of a physical brick and mortar school. Getting an education in the many fields of fashion design is no exception. A fashion design college can be either online or a distance learning program from a physical fashion design college. In this way, anyone who wishes an education in one of the many fashion design fields will have no problem accessing a fashion design college of their choice.

Various Degrees

There are many different specialties within the fashion design world. With many of these having a degree from a fashion design college is a big help in landing a job. While there are many specialties within fashion design; costume making, accessories, shoes, merchandising, marketing, and others, there are just as many ways to combine any specialty with another specialty. It is a safe bet that half of all fashion designers have a degree or specialization in more than one subject from a fashion design college. An example would be someone who combines fashion design and merchandising and works for retail stores.

Online Vs. In Class

While it is a fact that most fashion design studios are located either in New York or California, this is not true for each fashion design college. Many of the schools are located in larger cities, although more than half have a physical presence in either New York or California. So which choice is best, online or in class? This is entirely up to you. If you want to go where the classes are, and pick up a job at a boutique or an immediate internship then going to class at the fashion design school is best. If you don’t have the time for a college schedule, but want to still get the degree, then an online fashion design college would be worthwhile for you. It should be noted that, with most studios being on either the East or West Coast, you will probably have to move to where they are in order to land your first job or get your career started to begin with.